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The Sauna Blanket is a Thermal Far Infrared Ray Sauna that uses a body wrap concept to help detoxify the body of unwanted chemicals and break up fatty tissue deposits. The Sauna Blanket has two benefits, beauty and health, as it will help lose pounds, inches and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It will also aid with lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, ease muscle and joint pain, arthritis pain, and headaches. It helps clean the body of toxins and has also been proved to improve mood.
The Sauna Blanket is a Thermal Far Infrared Ray Sauna that uses a body wrap concept to help detoxify the body of unwanted chemicals and break up fatty tissue deposits. The Sauna Blanket has two benefits, beauty and health, as it will help lose pounds, inches and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It will also aid with lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, ease muscle and joint pain, arthritis pain, and headaches. It helps clean the body of toxins and has also been proved to improve mood.
Phone: (240) 559-8823
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